Short: AOrganiser - Diary Author: Andy Broad Uploader: andy broad ology org uk (Andy Broad) Type: biz/misc Version: 0.4 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 Diary: Version 0.4 (25/09/2006) Author: Andy Broad Copyright: Andy Broad 2006 This is a first release of a simple to use Diary program. It's conceived as an AmigaOS4 replacement for the Digita Organiser but is not intended to be a direct clone of that program. It has a GUI styled on a traditional paper diary and also an Arexx interface, Oh and it's a commodity. Installation: Copy the contents of the archive to the location of your choice. say Work:Organiser. Usage: The archive contains two programs Diary and import. --- DIARY is the main program. It can be run from CLI or workbench. Tooltypes / command line options FILE - the diary file to be loaded. If not set when starting from a Project icon the filename will be derived from the icon. CX_POPUP/K - set to YES to open window on program start. (defaults to YES) CX_POPKEY/K - sets the popup hotkey, defaults to "ctrl alt d" CX_PRIORITY/K - set the commodity priority The GUI is fairly simple, click on EDIT / DELETE to toggle modes, in edit mode clicking on a day gadget will bring up a window to enter a new event entry. Clicking on an event title will allow editing an existing event. In delete mode clicking on and event allows to remove it. (with warning req!) Before iconification or quiting Diary will ask you to save if the diary was modified. There is a minimal Arexx interface at present LOAD APPEND/S,FORCE/S,FILE Load new diary file. APPEND - merges the new file with the currently loaded file FORCE - don't show requester if existing file is modified SAVE FILE/K Save diary file FILE new file name to save too, if not present saves to original file. SAVEAS FILE Save diary file FILE new file name to save to, if not present pops up File requester. QUIT FORCE/S Quit the diary program FORCE Don't put up requester if file is modified ADD AMIDATE/K/N,DATESTRING/K,TIME/K,TITLE/K/A,NOTE/K,REPEAT/K/N,REPEATTYPE/K/N, REPEATTILL/K,AMIENDDATE/K/N,ENDDATESTRING/K,ENDTIME/K add a new entry. AMIDATE, AMIENDDATE, - start and finish time of event in secs since amiga epoch (1 jan 1978) DATESTRING, ENDDATESTRING,- start and end date in human readable format. eg 12 September 2006 (Month and day names are localised) TIME, ENDTIME,- start and finish times in hours and minutes eg 21:30 TITLE - title of event NOTE - note about event REPEAT - is a repeating event number describes frequency. REPEATTYPE - type of repeat 1 daily 2 weekly 3 monthly 4 yearly 5 same day and week each month (eg first Thursday, second Tuesday) REPEATTILL - string describing the end of repeating. --- IMPORT is a quick and dirty tool which allows you to convert a Digita Organiser 1.1 file to the new format. It works by creating a set of Arexx commands that can be pasted into a script. Run this script to create your new diary. eg: >work:Organiser/Import Ram:olddiaray >ram:new.rexx Then edit new.rexx adding /* */ options results address DIARY to the beginning of the file. You may well find you need to edit the arexx commands by hand, particularly if had quotes or apostrophes in any of your titles or notes. It works quite well for a 1.1 file may not work at all for later versions. Use with caution, you may lose data. KNOWN BUGS: Adding a large number of events to a given day or creating events will long title will distort the GUI. TODO: Improve the GUI. Extend Localisation Extend ARexx interface. Add Alarms function Add automation functions. (run commands at start and end of events) Produce proper documentation (probably html) HISTORY: 0.4 First Public release: 0.1. - 0.3 Internal test builds. LICENSE: This software is released as FREEWARE, however the author retains the right to modify this license for later version of the software. DISCLAIMER: No responsibility is taken by the author for any lost data, missed appointments etc. DONATIONS: This work has been largely been to done to fulfil my own needs and to support the AmigaOS 4 community in general, but it does take a lot of time so if you would like to make a donation there is a PayPal button at