Short: A Spreadsheed Editor Author: Carsten Siegner Uploader: Carsten Siegner Type: biz/spread Version: 2.0 Replaces: biz/spread/MicroExcel_1.1a.lha Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 3.18 Distribution: Aminet A simple program to create Spreadsheets Version 1.0: + First Public Version + Multiple Worksheets + Calculate expreesions and formulas in Cells + Calculate results from several Worksheets + Load / Save Spreadsheets as XLSX File Version 1.1: + Support of turbocalc files + Bugfixes + The GUI is now internal Version 1.1a: + fix the expreesion support of xlsx plugin Now works shared expression, too Version 2.0: + Support of ods files + New GUI (a special display plugin called "Excel_GUI") + Support of background colors, Cell resizing, fonts + sizes, Pictures in cells + Calulate results of cells with expressions are includet now + no expression plugin anymore it needs: ods Plugin xlsx Plugin turbocalc Plugin formator Plugin xlsxfix Plugin excel_gui Plugin