Short: Correctly save an IFF/ILBM picture Author: Curt Esser Uploader: camge ix netcom com Type: dev/basic Requires: WB 2.01+, Blitz Architecture: m68k-amigaos Uploaded Oct 27 1999 An easy to use function that corrects the bugs in the standard Blitz commands "SaveBitMap" and "SaveShape" The bugs fixed are: 1} The optional CAMG chunk is now saved this will allow picture viewiers and art programs to determine the correct screen mode for the image -This also allows you to save HAM pictures 2} The correct image width is now saved with the picture -no more empty "blank" space on the right hand side 3} The destination volume is checked for enough free space before saving - no more program lockups if the disk doesn't have enough room for the iff file... 4} No "SetErr" error trap needed - Intuition will now automatically handle "Disk Write Protected", etc... 5} You can also save bitmaps created by the OS functions, as well as standard Blitz bitmaps... Visit my web site at: You'll find more Blitz stuff there