Short: Adds missing descriptions to BB2 online help Author: Red When Excited Uploader: hotcakes abacus net au (Toby Zuijdveld) Type: dev/basic Version: 1 Requires: Blitz Support Suite Architecture: m68k-amigaos A heap of AcidGuides and RIGuides have had their missing commands added. In the case of the AcidGuides, many commands have had desciptions added. In the case of the RIGuides, many commands were actually in the help files, but were never linked to the main menu. This is all fixed. The archive also sets the +script field to a couple of nessessary scripts. For those people who are clueless (and you're coding???) and couldn't work out why the REDHelp functions weren't working... Also fixes the arexx script to create new miscellaneous command descriptions in the MiscCommands/ directory. This saves cluttering the REDHelp/ dir up. Just depack the archive into the REDHelp/ dir. Everything else will sort itself out. Hope it helps. Toby Zuijdveld