Short: Short examples of using some devices and TCP in Blitz Author: (Lorence Lombardo) Uploader: lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo) Type: dev/blitz Architecture: generic 9/11/05 3 short examples of using CON:, PIPE: and TCP: devices in Blitz. "ASCI.ab2" is just a little programers utility to get ascii key codes. To compile the "TCP_example.ab2":- 1. Hopefully the "bsdsocket.library" is already setup in your Blitz. If not then do so. :) 2. Make sure you re-save the ascii "TCPfuns.ab2" file with Blitz to "" so it will now be a tokenized Blitz file. "TCP_example2.ab2" is the same as "TCP_example.ab2" but it uses the TCP: device instead of the direct BSD socket functions. Feeling bored ? :) Why not check out this URL ?