Short: AS09 [1.04] - Assembler for M6809 H6309 microprocessor. Author: (Frank A. Vorstenbosch) Uploader: idr cs pdx edu (Ian Romanick) Type: dev/cross Architecture: m68k-amigaos PC version available from: - /pub/msdos/crossasm/ - and the Simtel mirrors. Amiga version available from: - /systems/amiga/aminet/dev/cross/as09-1.04.lha - and the Aminet mirrors. Features: - fast two-pass assembly. - supports binary, s-records or intel-hex output file formats. - three segments (code, data, bss) for ROM-based programs. - 'struct' keyword for easy declarations. - instruction cycle count in listing (including 6309 differences). - full conditional assembly with CPU identifying defines. - C-style expressions, accept base 2...36, using either % and $ prefixes or # format, 32-bit calculations. - accepts full 6309 instruction set extensions to the M6809 (can be enabled from the commandline using -x option) - runs under AmigaDOS 1.2 or higher. New in version [1.04] - cosmetic changes - now allows - to specify stdout for listing - fixed instruction cycle count for NOP on the 6309 - first release for the Amiga, identical to [1.04] version for PC Copyright 1994, Frank A. Vorstenbosch - freely distributable on the net. Uploaded by the author (email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------