Short: Cross assembler for 8031 and 8051 MPU Author: Ken Staufer ( Uploader: deppe ime rwth-aachen de (Ruediger Deppe) Type: dev/cross Version: 1.1 (30.01.90) Requires: ixemul.libray Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Crossassembler für 8031 und 8051 MPUs I was looking for a cross assembler which can build code for 8031 and 8051 microcontroller. I found some portable C programs for Unix. This cross assembler is written by Ken Staufer ( It should also be able to produce code for the 8031 and 8051 derivates like 80C51, 80C32, 80C535 etc. This is an Amiga port of the program AS31.ZIP. I have simply compiled the source (with GCC) and built the man page. Because of the use of GCC ixemul.library is required. It can be found on AmiNet in the directory dev/gcc. The contents of the AS31 directory differs to the unix version: as31.000 - Executable program for Amiga 68000 as31.020 - Executeable for 68020 or better makefile - Makefile I used. - Orignial makefile. as31.h - Package header file. as31.y - Parser / code generator. lexer.c - Scanner. symbol.c - Symbol table / opcode table. emitter.c - Object code generation routines. main.c - Command line / calls yyparse(). readme - Short description of as31. - Formated manual for this assembler. as31.1 - Original manual page. as31.readme - This document. new.asm - Sample 8031 code. This is a working debugger written by Theo Deraadt. INSTALLATION You just have to copy the assembler `as31.000' for 68000 (A500, A600, A1500, or A2000) or `as31.020' for 68020 or better CPUs in your path or in your assembler directory to `as31'. USAGE I suggest you to read the original doc file for infos. This assembler has no GUI, so you have to start the program from CLI. To print the man page `' adjust the paperlength of your printer to 66 lines. Then you can just type or copy it to `prt:'. cu Rüdiger