Short: BASIC-like language for Atari 2600 games Author: Fred X. Quimby and the batari Basic team Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: dev/cross Version: 1.7 Architecture: ppc-morphos URL: batari Basic (bB) is a BASIC-like language for creating Atari 2600 games. It is a compiled language that runs on a computer, and it creates a binary file that can be run on an Atari 2600 emulator or the binary file may be used to make a cartridge that will operate on a real Atari 2600. If you find any bugs, please report them via github. To learn how to use Batari Basic, please refer to the documentation found at: and the sample programs included in this release. setenv bB PROGDIR: