Short: Assembler with BBC Micro style syntax Author: (Rich Talbot-Watkins) Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: dev/cross Version: 1.10 Architecture: ppc-morphos URL: beebasm 1.10 Possible options: -i Specify source filename -o Specify output filename (when not specified by SAVE command) -di Specify a disc image file to be added to -do Specify a disc image file to output -boot Specify a filename to be run by !BOOT on a new disc image -labels Specify a filename to export any labels dumped with -d or -dd to -opt Specify the *OPT 4,n for the generated disc image -title Specify the title for the generated disc image -cycle <n> Specify the cycle for the generated disc image -v Verbose output -d Dump all global symbols after assembly -dd Dump all global and local symbols after assembly -w Require whitespace between opcodes and labels -vc Use Visual C++-style error messages -D <sym>=<val> Define numeric symbol prior to assembly -S <sym>=<str> Define string symbol prior to assembly --help See this help again