Short: Pasmo portable Z80 cross assembler Author: Julián Albo "NotFound" Uploader: offset cpcscene com (Philippe Rimauro) Type: dev/cross Version: 0.5.4.beta2 Architecture: ppc-morphos Pasmo 0.5.4.beta2 by Julián Albo. MorphOS build by Philippe Rimauro. Updated package with stripped binary & cleaned-up directory. (thanks to Grzegorz Kraszewski for the advice) Original source package can be found in the src/ directory. See included original README & NEWS for more information. Pasmo, multiplatform Z80 cross-assembler. (C) 2004-2008 Julián Albo Use and distribution allowed under the terms of the GPL license. To download updates or obtain more information: To compile: ./configure make To install: make install To compile with other options: ./configure --help Documentation: See the file pasmodoc.html, included in this package or in the Pasmo web site. See also the .asm sample files included with the souce package. To assemble: pasmo [ options ] file.asm file.bin [ file.symbol [ file.publics ] ] Options: -d --> Show debug info during assembly. -1 --> Show debug info during assembly, also in first pass. -v --> Verbose. Show progress information during assembly. -I --> Add directory to the list for searching files in INCLUDE and INCBIN. --bin --> Generate the object file in pure binary format without headers. --hex --> Generate the object file in Intel HEX format. --prl --> Generate the object file in the PRL format. Useful for CP/M Plus RSX. --cmd --> Generate the object file in CP/M 86 CMD format. --plus3dos --> Generate the object file with PLUS3DOS header (Spectrum disk). --tap --> Generate a .tap file for Spectrum emulators (tape image). --tzx --> Generate a .tzx file for Spectrum emulators (tape image). --cdt --> Generate a .cdt file for Spectrum emulators (tape image). --tapbas --> Same as --tap option but adding a Basic loader. --tzxbas --> Same as --tzx option but adding a Basic loader. --cdtbas --> Same as --cdt option but adding a Basic loader. --amsdos --> Generate the object file with Amsdos header (Amstrad CPC disk). --msx --> Generate the object file with header for use with BLOAD in MSX Basic. --public --> The symbol table listing will include only symbols declared as PUBLIC. --name --> Name for the header in the formats that use it. If unspecified the object file name will be used. --err --> Direct error messages to standard ouptut instead of error output (except for errors in options). --nocase --> Make identifiers case insensitive. --alocal --> Autolocal mode: the labels than begins with a '_' are locals, and his ambit finishes in the next no local label or in the next PROC, LOCAL or MACRO directive. -B --bracket --> Bracket only mode: parenthesis are reserved for expressions. -E --equ --> Predefine a label. -8 -w8080 --> Show warnings when using Z80 instructions that does not exist in 8080. --86 --> Generate 8086 code. If no code generation options are specified --bin is assumed. Debug info goes to standard output, error messages to error output.