Short: Use multi-dimensional arrays in Amiga E. Author: Damien Stewart Uploader: tonym net2000 com au Type: dev/e Architecture: m68k-amigaos MDArray is quite possibly something powerful hidden in the mere disguise of a simple E Module file. As the title hints, it stands for Muiti-Dimensional Arrays. Yes, now you won't be limited by E's lack of supporting multi-dimensional arrays of which the author claims could be impossible too. (Read the FAQ in for more info.) Now you add this feature by yourself by using my support module, and even do tricks that would be hard to pull off even if E did properly support "MDA's." It works by giving you functions to initialize and set-up MDA's, but the real core of it is an index function that replaces a usual single index. It calculates a single index from a list of multiple-indexes you give it. Thus, it incorporates into single-dimensioned arrays well and they can be accessed as per norm as well. If you find it hard to understand at first, just keep reading through the guide and you will learn how it works.