Short: C-Generator (v2.2h) for MUIBuilder Author: Uploader: Ludovic Billault Capway com Type: dev/mui Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: FreeWare This utility is an update of GenCodeC2.2g for MUIBuilder 2.2 ((c) E.Totel). Features: - a gui for the generator. - generate a 'main' file where the 'void main()' function is implemented. Now, you can create your gui with MUIBuilder, generate the C code, compil it and execute your application. Wonderfull, isn't it? - files for localization are generated, no need to use flexcat or another tool. - each project has its own prefs. - you can use it with gcc and SAS/C and other compilers. - some bugs fixed - work with MUI 3.7 (stack pb is not a pb :-)) - allocations are no longer PUBLIC - no need to use 'inline' function for muimaster library with gcc Please contact me if you have any idea for this generator or if you have some troubles. E-Mail: (mail<10Ko) or