Short: V2.0 - Bumpmapped image on your WB Author: (Thomas Jensen) Uploader: dm98411 edb tietgen dk (Thomas Jensen) Type: dev/src Version: 2.0 Requires: Kickstart 3.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos **************************************************** *** NEW: homepage at *** **************************************************** Legal information: WBBump - Bumpmapping on the Workbench! Copyright (C) 1999 Thomas Jensen - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Introduction: WBBump is a "tool" to make your Workbench a bit nicer to look at. A bumpmapped logo is put on your Workbench(tm) screen or any other public screen of your wish. The lightsource of the bumpmapping is your mouse pointer! THIS IS NOT A HACK - This program should be system friendly. If it dosn't work on your system, please send a @{"bug report" LINK author}. History: 2.0 final (build 634) - 1999/6/29 * Fixed bug with AGA (bumpmap was always on grey background) Now it should be applied on the existing background as the CGX version (Thanks for the help Daniel) * Removed annoying requester when not started from a project 2.0b2 (build 614) - 1999/5/16 * Added AGA/ECS/OCS support (experimental). * Fixed blur plugin (It didn't work at all...) * Added Clock plugin (digital and internet time) * Bugfixes: chrashes with two instances (when closing) * Disabled multithreading - it caused some strange chrashes * Fixed examples * WBBump no longer needs the WBBump: assign (But the examples still do) 2.0b1 (build 569) - 1999/5/8 * Fixed bug that would cause WBBump to reload instead of quit, when task was sent a break signal * Converted big examples to PNG * Changed some ReadPixel()'s to ReadPixelLine8(), thanks to Gunther Nikl for noticing. Result is a general speedup in the startup phase. * (hopefully) removed CyberGuard hit (read from adr $20). I still can't figure out why MuForce didn't get it? Thanks to Duncan Gibb for reporting. * WBBump now only renders if the screen it's on is the frontmost one. before it would check for the active screen rather than the frontmost one. Thanks to Michal Bartczak for noticing. * Plugin support. * New tooltypes POSITIONX, POSITIONY and LIGHTCOLOR 1.3 (build 286) - 1999/04/29 * Aminet release * Added notification on icon which started WBBump * Added "Show interface" Commodities command * Taskname is now a bit more informative (for those that care :) 1.2 (build 270) - 1999/04/28 * Big speedup in 8bit code (2 pass E/asm -> 1 pass asm) * Converted some examples to GIF for smaller archive * Bugfixes in thread code * Added "Intel Outside" example project 1.1 (build 244) - 1999/04/27 * Complete rework of bitmap handling * Added datatypes support * Added seperate thread for drawing 1.0 (build 142) - 1999/04/18 Initial version