Short: Implementation of the Amiga filesystem Author: (Laurent Clévy), 68k compile by Lorence Lombardo Uploader: lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo) Type: disk/misc Version: 0.7.11a Architecture: m68k-amigaos The ADFlib is a free, portable and open implementation of the Amiga filesystem. It supports : - floppy dumps - multiple partitions harddisk dumps - UAE hardfiles - WinNT devices with the 'native driver' written by Dan Sutherland - mount/unmount/create a device (real one or a dump file), - mount/unmount/create a volume (partition), - create/open/close/delete/rename/undel a file, - read/write bytes from/to a file, - create/delete/rename/move/undel a directory, - get directory contents, change current directory, get parent directory - use dir cache to get directory contents. It is written in portable C, and support the WinNT platform to access real drives. --- unADF is a unzip like for .ADF files : unadf [-lrcsp -v n] dumpname.adf [files-with-path] [-d extractdir] -l : lists root directory contents -r : lists directory tree contents -c : use dircache data (must be used with -l) -s : display entries logical block pointer (must be used with -l) -v n : mount volume #n instead of default #0 volume -p : send extracted files to pipe (unadf -p dump.adf Pics/pic1.gif | xv -) -d dir : extract to 'dir' directory Credits: -------- main design and code Laurent Clevy Bug fixes and C++ wrapper Bjarke Viksoe (adfwrapper.h) WinNT native driver Dan Sutherland and Gary Harris New versions and contact e-mail can be found at : Feeling bored ? :) Why not check out this URL ?