Short: ArtEffect English Brushes Author: HAAGE & PARTNER Computer Uploader: haage_partner compuserve com (Markus Nerding) Type: gfx/arteff Version: 1.0 Requires: ArtEffect 1.x Architecture: generic Distribution: AmiNet The original ArtEffect Default Brushes with English names. The brushes of older versions of ArtEffect had German names. Just replace them by these new ones to get English names no the Default Brushes of ArtEffect. WARNING: This might delete your own new brushes, created with ArtEffect. __________________________________________________________________________ HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH A M I G A DEVELOPMENTS Mainzer Str. 10 A, 61191 Rosbach, Germany for AmigaOS, PPC, pOS internet: StormC - StormWIZARD fon: +49-6007 -93 00 50 fax: -75 43 ArtEffect - DrawStudio __________________________________________________________________________ >> MORE INFO -> <<