Short: The Creepy Comic Book Reader Author: Rebraist = Lellonapoli Uploader: raist18 hotmail com (lellonapoli) Type: gfx/show Version: 0.4 Requires: Alternative Jpeg Datatype Architecture: i386-aros Comics 0.4 Comics is a cbr/cbz reader. Cbr and Cbz are Comics Book Archives: in brief, files that contain digital copies of books or comic books. To view a CbR (or CbZ) you need a Comic Book Archive Reader, and Comics (surprise!) is a Comic Book Archive Reader. How does it work? 1) You have to download and install new jpeg datatype. You can download it from or from the archives. It increases jpg compatibility. Without it 8 bit jpeg files can not be viewed. 2) Install Comics. 3) From the "comics!" menu, choose "open". Now you can navigate through your cbr (cbz) file. Use SPACEBAR to go to the next page, BACKSPACE to go to the previous. ARROW KEYS are used to scroll the page content. Use menus or numeric keys to Zoom the page in or out (1 is the littlest, 8 the biggest). Use L or R keys to rotate page left or right. Enjoy! And tell me about any bugs you find! Actually png images may not support zooming. Thx!! Uploaded using: