Short: [ PHD ] HoUSe QuAKe by Airon(1MB GUS fix) Author: Airon/PHD - Anthony Oetzmann Uploader: Airon/PHD - Anthony Oetzmann Type: mods/airon Replaces: mods/airon/phd_hqua.lha Architecture: generic House Quake - Written by Airon / PHD in September 1996 Length - 5:01 SpeeD - 180 bPM Style - Driving DukeNukeEm3D-Quake Techno Written on Impulsetracker 2.05 ( 18ch ) Yes folks it's time for another game-inspired tune or should I say 'addicted-netplayer-induced' venture into music. The idea for this song(track,tune,blahblah...) came on the day my buddy Kiri came over raving about a tune Skyphos had made for the local 'Quake Anti-Anonymous' crew(I just call 'em that).That tune was hardcore and I didn't like it soooo much:). They were yelling for more and reluctently Skyphos spent a couple of minutes to turn a whisper to most-wanted treasure.He says it's easy coming up with 'trashy' fast techno.Not my piece of cake. Kiri gave me an idea and I felt a rush coming on and fired up Impulsetracker and loaded Isotoxin by Necros 'cause I didn't have a lot of samples in that category.I kept a few and deleted everything else,got two off Sirens MC4 entry(someone wants to use that for Aerobics btw:) and sampled the hell out of my JV1080 for the harmonics and drums.Of course I wanted some Duke sounds too so I gradually brought them in as I needed them. Now it's been a week and song is as good as finshed but there's yet to be the test run with the QAA guys. At least I hope to have created as good a tune as my other game tune 'Doom-Hell at Home',which was a MOD btw. You'll find creds and messages in the Info page in IT(Shift-F9). Enjoy the tune at high volume and don't hold back on praise/curses via email :) Cheerio from an English guy Tony ( Airon of Phasedistortion ) /=================================================================\ :Check out our music at HORNET : :and AMINET and our WWW site `-----------------------------------------------------------------'