Short: Blankermodule for Cybermagic Author: (Markus Killian) Uploader: m killian xpoint at (Markus Killian) Architecture: m68k-amigaos Type: util/blank Kurz: Blankermodul für Cybermagic Version: 1.0 Requires: Cybermagic 0.3.2/Stormmesa3.0 This is a module for the Cybermagic screenblanker. It requires the Cybermagic base archiv in the version 0.3.2, the Stormmesa3.0 librarys in the 68k version and a 68040 or higher. The module displays 3 flying textured cubes. To install it copy the files: Cube Cube.ppm Cube.config Cube.wizard to the -Cybermagic:Blanker- drawer. For best results a CVPPC or BVPPC in the resolution 1024x768 or more is recommed. If you have one of this, install Warp3D2.0 and the Stormmesa3.1 librarys and enjoy the speed.