Short: Multi startup-sequence boot using mouse buttons Author: Uploader: sebju club-internet fr Type: util/boot Architecture: m68k-amigaos Requierment : - An Amiga with an hard drive (this program is not very usefull without an hardrive !) - MUI 3.8 is needed for the prefs program (not tested on earlier versions) - the main program should work on any version of the Workbench (tested only on 3.x) Description: It's a simple program that allow you to boot from differents Startup-sequence files by Pressing the left, the right or the middle mouse button (a different file will be executed depending on witch button you've pressed). It's totaly tranparent, unlike thoses softs that display a menu or something else. it means that your Amiga always boot as fast as possible: if no mouse button is pressed, the original startup-sequence file is launghed, and if you press a mouse button, a different startup-sequence is executed (instead of the original one) automagicaly without any other click ! I use it to boot MacOS via Shapeshifter in " quick mode " without loading the WB or booting with "no startup sequence". By this way, the MacOS boot like if I had a real Mac :) I use it also to boot linux PPC directly wothout starting the workbench, thus it look like a real OS that boot without the help of another OS ! But don't be affraid, you can boot other things than Shapeshifter or Linux PPC, it's just an exemple ! You can do for example, different startup file to boot on other hardrive, or to boot a light version of your startup-sequence to gain memory for games or something else... Read the guide for more details and to setup (VERY EASY you'll See !) Historic : - V 1.0 : first version of OneTouchMac. - V 1.1 : A big bug as been removed : it was impossible to use the right mouse button - V 2.0 : - Support for middle Mouse button added - a GUI Pref program added for easy setup and correctly insertion of the command syntax (all is automatic, you just have to choose witch file has to be assigned to witch mouse button) - Install and Uninstall scripts fully functionals added - The Sources are no longer distributed with this archive, because I don't think that it's very interesting. Mail me if you want it... - V 2.5 : - Main program rewritted. it's smaller (6.8 kb instead of 12 kb) - The GUI Prefs Program is now in MUI and it's a lot reliable and bugfree: You will never see again the OneTouchMac command 2 times in your Startup-sequence if you don't use the Prefs program correctly. - Installation and UnInstallation are done via the Installer