Short: Searches for all copies of drawer/file Author: (David McKinstry) Uploader: dmckinstry ewu edu (David McKinstry) Type: util/cli Architecture: m68k-amigaos WhereAre is yet another search utility. The one I had been using was 'whereis' (I don't know its source now, but its length was 4968 bytes). As with most, it must be started from the cli. The major difference (for me) is that it displays all the copies of the file or drawer (not just files as most) specified in the command line. Upon starting, a window opens on the active screen (presumably Workbench, although Workbench need not be loaded). You may click on the check boxes and buttons displayed to make your selections. For a more thorough description of features and instructions, study the 'ReadMe' file included in WhereAre.lha.