Short: A support cmdty for the patch.library BETA. Author: (Martin Hauner) Uploader: m hauner tu-bs de (Martin Hauner) Type: util/misc Version: 0.0Beta4 Requires: AmigaOS 3.0+, patch.library, PatchSetFunc Architecture: m68k-amigaos PatchCX is a support commodity for the patch.library by Stefan Fuchs . In the current state it is not much more than patchlist with a resizable, fontsensitive and iconifyable gadtools gui. It displays information about the patches which are currently installed in your system through the patch.library ( which function is patched in which library by whom ). If you have the FD files for the patched libraries, PatchCX is able to display the names for the patched functions and not just their library offsets. You will need the following archives to get any use out of PatchCX. patch.library : Aminet:util/libs/patchlib#? PatchSetFunc : Aminet:util/misc/PatchSetFunc.#? Beta Info This PatchCX version is a Beta Version, i.e. it was tested so far only by myself and it might crash on your system, allthough it runs without problems here. For that reason it is compiled with a run-time system which should prevent crashes but also might not. July-96