Short: Script file to create amigaguide index of ANY directory Author: (Kevin Fairhurst) Uploader: krf101 york ac uk (Kevin Fairhurst) Type: util/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos Basically, N-Dex is a simple AmigaDOS script to create an index file - in AmigaGuide format - for all the files in any directory. "What's the point of that?" I hear you mutter under your breath (I have good hearing, you see :). Imagine that your hard drive is full of many different programs on the various partitions you have. So that you can find any documentation files quickly, and to prevent the uneccessary cluttering of important directories, you have all the docs files in one directory. However, this is a mess in itself, so what you need is an index of all the files in that directory so you can, using multiview, simply click on the name of a file to view it! And it isn't limited to guide or text files either! You can create an index file for your directory of pictures, or samples, or protracker mods! All you need is the correct datatype for that filetype and your a click away from reading/viewing/hearing the file!